Jamestown or Plymouth
categories: Socal Studies
P ilgrims
L eft Holland
Y et natives helped
M ayflower
O ften people died of starvation
U nited Stated was beginning
T ough times on voyage
H olland
If I was a settler and I had a choice to choose to settle with Jamestown or Plymouth settlers I would choose Plymouth because Jamestown settlers were first all men. Another reason I would have chosen Plymouth is because not so many people died onĀ the voyage so most likely I would have a small chance of dieing. Also my great great great…….. grandpa was born on the new land so I would know some people on that ship. Also they had a law that you could only make a law for the good of the colony. Indians had helped them so much that they had the first Thanksgiving thanking God for letting them survive that Winter. That’s why I would have chosen Plymouth.