Pearl Harbor Acrostic
Pearl Harbor was attacked December 7, 1941. (December 8 1941 in Japan)
Early in the morning at 7:48 am( 3:48 am in Hawaii) is when this happened.
Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, California, Maryland, and West Virginia are all 8 of the battleships that sank in this war
Revenge happened in World War II (Which they brought us into) w.hen Americans came back and defeated Japan.
Lots of Americans died around 2,400 military soliders drowned or died from bombs!
Heros of the day I think are the Americans who got right back up stronger then we were.
Attack! In Oaho Hawaii!, said President Roosevelt.
Roosevelt called it, ” A Date Which Will Live in Infamy.
Because Japan attacked us it brought us into World War II.
Oahu, Hawaii is where the USS Arizona Memorial lays today.
Rememberance Day is what the Peral Harbor attack is called today!