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What I Have Learned In Math This Year…

This year in math I have learned how to do two digit times two digit multiplication. I learned how to multiply two digit times two digit by expanding the numbers out into a grid. Another thing I have learned this year is how to do long division. My teacher made it a lot easier than it could have been by giving us a way to remember all the steps:Dose McDonald’s Sale Cheese Burgers Really? That stands for Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Compare, Bring down, Repeat. Those helped us so there wasn’t as much as a chance to skip a step. We’ve also learned how to draw and measure angles. Obtuse, acute, and right angles are what we have learned. An obtuse angle is more than 90 degrees. Th e acute angles are below 90 degrees. Every single right angle there is it has to be right on 90 degrees. This year we have also learned a lot of tricks on the calculator. Like if you want to do repeated addition or subtraction you just have to hit the = sign. Another trick we have learned is that if you want to have a number remembered all you have to do is hit the M+ key. We have also learned how to get the volume of a 3D figure by doing length X width X height = the volume of a figure. A way our teacher helped us remember that was she showed us a catchy song.

The Crimson Clover

The name of my flower is the Crimson Clover. The crimson clover is native to Europe. Its blooming pieriod is March through May. They grow six to twelve inches. Its scienctific classification is Fabaceae and its scientific name is Trifolium incarnatum. this flower blooms all over Texas. An interesting fact about the crimson clover is that if you plant it in a garden with lots of other flowers it will hog all of the space.

Picture and facts found at

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