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   The Shetland Sheepdog comes from the country Switzerland. Its breed is one of the smartest. That makes it a lot easier to train. They make good pets for you and your family if you have children. Their weight gets up to 12 to 16 pounds.

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How To Be A Friend

You could sit by them at lunch if they look lonly. When they need you be there. Act like a friend. When you have partner work, with them. Play with them during free time in the class room and outside at ressus play with them.

A Rainbow is as…

A Rainbow is as…

red as a loving heart.

orange as orange leaves in the fall.

yellow as a juicy and sour lemon.

green as a clover that gives people luck.

blue as an ocean that I splash in.

purple as a witch’s cloak.

Christmas Couplets

Every year your family

Should think about Jesus’ mother Mary.

This year by the tree

Leave cookies of at least three.

When you eat Christmas dinner or lunch

Have a good time and Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!



Thanksgiving Poem


Thanksgiving looks like my family geting together to eat.

Thanksgiving smells like sugary cinnamon.

Thanksgiving sounds like cousins laughing at jokes.

Thanksgiving tastes like yummy, cheesy, cheese corn.

Thanksgiving feels like love all around.




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