President Poem

He was tutored at home by his mom, Elizabeth

He got married to Elizabeth Kortright Monroe

Born in Westmorland Country, Virginia

Went to college

James Monroe

In Constitutional Congress

In office from 1871-1825

James Monroe was the 5th president here

A Founding Father of the United States of America

Memories and Goals

Over the past year of 2013 there’s been lots of things going on. I’ve also had a few memories I’ll never forget. I think my number one best memory for 2013 is adopting a baby boy. This is how it all started, my aunt couldn’t take care of  any of her children so they all went to my grandparents in Alabama. Taking care of children at this age was stressful. So after a few years my aunt had another baby. Since my parents were the youngest couple in this family we got to keep him. So with my parents just getting out of the primary car pick up line are going to right back in it in a few years. For me this was so exciting and a blessing to get him so its a memory that will last forever! Another thing I think is something I’ll always remember is being in the hospital. For me and my family this was a stressful week. It all started on Easter day when my sister, cousin, and I were racing down and back up in my grandmas back yard. Her back yard is a a hill so we always do it. When I first started running I had a small ache in my stomach I thought it was just a cramp so, I kept running anyway. It grew worse the more I ran . On the way back up it got so bad to where I collapsed on to the floor. They had to carry me inside to my mom. I was hurting from that day to the next morning. The next day I didn’t go to school. Around 10:00 am the next day my mom took me to the doctor. After a few tests they sent me to the hospital. The worst part was they stuck a tube up my arm called an I.V. Then they figured out had a swollen stomach in the inside. It was called this weird name called  mesenteric adenitis. Since that was such a hard time I’ll always remember that. The last thing I’ll never forget is going to New Braunfels to do a few things with my cousins. It was my first time to go up on a trip with my cousins. The first night our families met at Fiesta Texas. We road lots of roller coasters and had lots of fun. My favorite ride was the super man. It went off a cliff and did lots of twists and turns. It was also very smooth. The next day was our lasted day so we spent it at Schlitterbahn. We also had lots of fun there. Here I think my favorite here was the flash back because there was never a line and it was fun to slide down into the lazy river. It also was fun to do different things on it. For me those are my top three memories I’ll always remember in 2013. For 2014 I’ve set a few goals for myself. I want to make better grades. Not only do I want to make better grades I want to increase them to a 95 or above. I can do that by working hard. Another goal I have is to learn how to play volleyball. I can kind of play but not so good. I play other sports and I think it would be fun too do volleyball too. Something I want to stop doing is fighting with my brothers and sisters. Even though it would be hard, I think it would be nice to carry a conversation and not fight for once. My mom makes a vienna torte cake every now and then. It’s always fun to help her make it. So I want to learn how to make it myself. I’ve read the first book in the unfortunate event series The Bad Beginning  and I liked it so I’d like to read The Reptile Room (#2), The Wide Window (#3), and The Miserable Mill (#4). Another book I want to read is REBECCA Off of Sunnybrook Farm. That’s all my goals and memories for 2013 and 2014.

Pearl Harbor Acrostic

Pearl Harbor was attacked December 7, 1941. (December 8 1941 in Japan)

Early in the morning at 7:48 am( 3:48 am in Hawaii) is when this happened.

Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, California, Maryland, and West Virginia are all 8 of the battleships that sank in this war

Revenge happened in World War II (Which they brought us into) w.hen Americans came back and defeated Japan.

Lots of Americans died around 2,400 military soliders drowned or died from bombs!

Heros of the day I think are the Americans who got right back up stronger then we were.

Attack! In Oaho Hawaii!, said President Roosevelt.

Roosevelt called it, ” A Date Which Will Live in Infamy.

Because Japan attacked us it brought us into World War II.

Oahu, Hawaii is where the USS Arizona Memorial lays today.

Rememberance Day is what the Peral Harbor attack is called today!

A Veteran I Know


A veteran I know is my grandpa. He got sent to the war when they were low on people who wanted to serve. My grandpa fought for around 3 to 7 years total. He has retired from fighting in it up to this day.  My grandpa is still living. He fought for our countries FREEDOM!!!


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